mardi 24 août 2010

find my way

i am busy, for sure, it is real life! being busy is ok. i have to find my way to keep space for art! without it, i feel a bit poor.
even if i had a socail dinner yesterday, i went back to practise this morning; focusing on breathing. i did not do all my series but choose a few postures ( let say i did more than half of the first serie and few postures for baskbending) and it felt good
be at home is real time for struggle with your own practise

2 commentaires:

Rebecca Anthony a dit…

This is beautiful!

Marilyn a dit…

Thank for the visit to my blog. That is an amazing picture, as I was thinking about cages tonight. To see a goddess in a cage with one door open...and the other closed. With breathing...breathe as a baby...without is when we grow older we are taught to breathe from our chest..which is against the wisdom we were born with. Happy journeys with your creative spirit. I wish my French was as good as your English, but I can read your French and share many common interests with you. Enjoying the journey of life as well.