mardi 4 janvier 2011

hard, so depressing

since yesterday night, i feel depress, i also have lots of negative thinking.
early morning, very early i went for a walk, after a bit of yoga and meditation but i start to cry, usddenly, just after reading an email from work not that nice but not that bad as well. it was enough for me to cry!!!! a lot!
i know this depress feelings are coming from stopping smoking but they are so hard to control
also it is 3 days with no electricity and no more water since this morning!!!!
patience, this is what i am learning
also tolerance and humility, also to forgive and love people even when they don't love you, what is surprising is also to feel loved or helped by people you don't expect! and i feel helped by you, all blogger's friend, may be also because i feel free to say what i think and feel here on the blog, i don't try to hyde my fears
sure, it is yoga's road
here is the ganesh where i put flowers before practise and art journal pages

4 commentaires:

Heather Foust a dit…

Oh I hope you feel better. Quiting smoking is one of the worse things that I have ever done. It has been 11 years and I still every once and awhile when I am having a glass of wine will I get the urge. So hang in there. Mood swings are the worse but they will pass.

Janet a dit…

You're on the right path. When it gets tough you know it's right because nothing worth having ever comes easy. Stay strong and focus on how great you'll feel when you no longer feel the need for a smoke. I'm keeping you in my thoughts each day and sending you good vibes.

Ruth a dit…

I hope you feel better soon. Hang in there with quitting, It is so hard and so many emotions arise from it. My husband is trying to quit and he is going through all the same things. I love your art journal, it reminds me that I really need to start mine again. Namaste.

Laure K. a dit…

oui, la clope est un anti-dépresseur puissant, il faut pallier au pire, l'accompagner par le yoga est une chose positive, la parole tout autant, les vieux démons qui s'éveillent... ah, prévoir aussi un sevrage des muscles de la gorge qui favorisent toute sorte de bronchites, laryngithe sur une durée de 6 mois.
Bref, tenir le cap avec des tuteurs...
Bon courage valérie, moi je poursuis pour le moment par la parole avant de tenter le lâchage de la dépendance physiobiologique.