mercredi 6 février 2013

2 months of mysore

it will be 2 months i am here, in mysore, practising more and more each day, going far into myself, with happiness and some days pain all over the body. i am a bit far from the blog, this introspection is giving me so much creativity that i am doing lots of collage, pictures, printings, dancing between my daily 3 yogas classes. some days, emotions are part of my practise, such a strange feeling to have those questions, thoses thoughts, those feelings traveling inside with conscience. i have some words fro poetry coming to my brain but i don't write, i keep it inside for now a few pictures from my india, my collages... i am happy here, deeply moving inside

3 commentaires:

martinealison a dit…

Je suis heureuse de vous retrouver... Je rentre d'Afrique.
Je vous fais de gros bisous.

Nadja a dit…

Beautiful works!
And two very beautiful women on the last photo.
Much fun! Glad to see you publish on the blog again!

Sunny K. Lee a dit…

Your collage looks fun~ :)