dimanche 24 février 2013

avant le depart, tout se bouscule

suddenly, i felt like writing, this full trip, i did not write or post that much and now before going i have to say how much this town, how much yoga affect me in a positive way. it increases good in me. comment dire a quel point, avec les mots justes je me laisse embarquee dans le chemin du yoga, si loin que cela modifie mes desirs creatifs, ma vision du travail, ma vie de maniere douce, lente mais globale. au moment du retour, j ai du mal a faire ma valise, tous ces papiers amasses m encrent dans ma chambre, je divague sur de grands formats. demain je voyagerai la nuit de la pleine lune. beau retour. je serai contente bien sur , une fois chez moi. mais l m est de plus en plus difficile de quitter mysore, meme si je sens que le moment est venu pour moi de rentrer. de travailler, d utiliser cette puissante et belle energie accumulee doucement ici i am gratefull merci

samedi 23 février 2013

last sunday in Mysore, before going back home

today, it is my last sunday in Mysore for a while. no plans beside going hunting posters early this morning. a very slow day, time for me to pack, to think back, alla benefits from those 2 months and more in india, in mysore, in yoga. onece again, i felt blessed and inspired by my yoga teachers, by the city, by people from the streets rhank you to give me so much, to be on the yoga path defenitly changed my life. good is always good

mardi 19 février 2013

hunting posters

this morning, no practise for me...moon days for make it soft. but i am awake like everyday, so i went in town hunting posters with my bike, lots of fun. lots of work after, because i clean them as much as i can to bring them home. i can feel that i am sliding into visual art, i thought it was going to happen with videos, but no, it is with pcitures, it is with paint, walls, plastic, images, faces ,streets, it is with collage, it is as i can call it, because this is the way i feel : simple daily art with a storng feeling that it is what i have to do now. this and yoga. recycling papers into art and teach yoga, practice yoga as much as i can, wrting also. i need to art alone, to take my time, to let t go, let it grow. deep strong root in me with this time for me to be even more arty, by myself, with what i see, what i have in head, using my hands, using glue and paint for make it alive. i am sure that yoga increases this for me.

lundi 18 février 2013

108 sun salutations in front of Mysore palace

Sunday, Ramesh Kumar, my hatha yoga teacher invited me for the celebration of the sun, also a commemoration for Vivekananda. it was absolutely magic to go there before the sun rise and take a place with a mat. i went there with gerard a frenc man , i share the kitchen with him, in the big house where i rent my indian room. we laught so much. many indians, only few foreigners, there was a dress code but we missed it because ramesh forgot to tell us. most of people were wearing white or t shirts special for the event. we wanted to buy one but we did not find any. every one did 108 sun salutations with smile and happiness. such a great moment we did somes rounds of 24, between there was some chanting, some people served some indians sweets. we took pictures, mamy people stop ine salutation or 2 to shoot around them. i loved it.

vendredi 15 février 2013

so arty

india gives me a lot of arty power, i am doing collages on notebook, like covers, also making bags, some days i go back to artjournaling. it seems that it is time for me to develop this arty part, with collages. india also gives me time to think of what i realy want. i am happy that my road is with yoga, i can feel each minute how much it changes my life, in a good way, choices are becoming easier, also deeper here are a few collages

mardi 12 février 2013

i went to goa for 3 days

i went to goa for 3 days, with my husband, like we did 28 years ago. it was hard to find back the village we remenber. it was very nice to be there, next time i wish to stay 3 weeks. red goa...

mercredi 6 février 2013

prose du jour, now

Il suffit de peu pour que les mots me reviennent. Une simple blessure physique, un mot ravivent les émotions, le cœur s’enflamme, il bat trop fort pour que je puisse intervenir. Je le laisse divaguer. J écoute parler mes sens, désorientes, emportes subitement dans des sphères turbulentes. Je lâche les brides, tenues fermement pour éviter tous débordements. J’observe, avec une légère distance indispensable, le délicat bouleversement issu d’une combinaison de coïncidences. Est cette une illusion de relier ces concordances ? Je cherche à me défaire des montées passionnantes d’énergie, de lumière, de sensations pour aller vers une serenite.Celle ci s’approche et s’enfuit face à ces pépites créatives, sensuelles qui viennent assaillir corps, cœur , âme dès que j’ouvre un instant ma porte secrète. La hanche en feu, pour l instant, froissée impose un arrêt dans l intense pratique. Cette douleur nouvelle libère, le muscle blesse est celui de l ouverture,. Enfin, je laisse glisser les larmes sur la posture, chaque jour, sans interrompre le fil positif. Je vis ma blessure comme une pause propice a la réflexion , à la distance bienvenue pour analyser mieux ce qui travaille en moi. La sensibilité à fleur de peau, la détermination a mieux vivre, m’aimer telle que je suis, la maintenant, sans m attarder sur la passe et en évitant de me projeter dans le futur. C est à ça bien sûr qu il faut que je travaille, inlassablement chaque jour. Avec une perspicacité soutenue, un engagement renouvelable. Avec cette base que je solidifie chaque jour je m efforce de contrôler les pulsions de passion, de chair, de rêves. En ce jour de faiblesse, je vois l’ampleur du chemin face à la sueur au-dessus de mes lèvres si je m’autorise à laisser monter les désirs. Oui, je peux encore m ;enflammer, rougir de plaisir, être joyeuse, mordiller la vie avec l ;insouciance de la jeunesse. J ai de la candeur dans le cœur,, cette gaîté amoureuse de vouloir me jeter dans la vie avec amour, bonheur et petillance.. Ces bobos de corps, de cœur du quotidien sont là pour me rappeler l importance de trouver l’amour et la joie partout, en moi, autour de moi, sans pleurnicher sur mon sort, puisque j ai cette chance d’avoir les outils du bonheur avec moi. Je peux être amoureuse de la vie, la peur est partie.

days off

from 2 days, i have a real pain into right hips.today, i went out in the middle of the class, i cried for a long time after this,i know it is not nice to stop a class that this but my body could not stand it. i felt so bad after that i went in town even at day time to take some of those poster i've been hunting with movies stars on...normaly i do this very early, with my head lights on, before the sun is rising. being busy with papers helps me to not cry. how can i be so sensitive even with all this yoga ???? i have to practise more detachement, this should be the key. here internet is so slow that i takes hours to post one page, i want to thanks you, all king people who keeps reading my bad english here on blogland, you are so nice, i know i can find some goods in all the comments, it is a kind of support. the connexion is slow, please forgive me to dont visit your blogs, blogsfriends, i will as soon as i get a better connexion. pictures from a little street, where we did one pakret performance, each time i take someone in pictures i bring after a print of the picture, it is so
nice because people likes it so much

2 months of mysore

it will be 2 months i am here, in mysore, practising more and more each day, going far into myself, with happiness and some days pain all over the body. i am a bit far from the blog, this introspection is giving me so much creativity that i am doing lots of collage, pictures, printings, dancing between my daily 3 yogas classes. some days, emotions are part of my practise, such a strange feeling to have those questions, thoses thoughts, those feelings traveling inside with conscience. i have some words fro poetry coming to my brain but i don't write, i keep it inside for now a few pictures from my india, my collages... i am happy here, deeply moving inside