i have a hard time to choose to whom i want to pass the blog award...
here is it :
1-peggy-stermer http://peggy.stermer-cox.com
2 - motherhenna http://motherhenna.blogspot.com/
3-karin from beyond words http://aviewbeyondwords.blogspot.com
4-anne bulles dorées http://bullesdorees.blogspot.com
5-gypsy from http://fadwas-inspirational.blogspot.com
this is my choice i will send the award to all by mail
i like them for such different reasons, i like some others that i follow also but make a choice is hard
thanks margaret!
7 commentaires:
i wanted to award also pam and zom but the rules are to give to five people so i want to break the rules and give it to7...
is it possible ?
Thank you so much for sharing your award with me! Yes it is possible to give to seven! The more the merrier :) PLease feel free to pass mine further, because I have a hard time fulfilling the rules of these awards - so you can do five for me!!
Many thanks, and happiest of holidays to you, xox Karin
Well, I don't know why not share the good feeling; be over the top! And, thank you!
Thanks much much for the award, Valerie!! And just for your participation in the heART swaps and kind feedback on my posts and such. Most most most appreciated! I forgot when I did the holiday fest that this Solstice would be Summer for you even though it's Winter for me here :) Many miracles to you...k-
Merci beaucoup pour cet award !! je suis très touchée de le recevoir !!!!!
Anne, je dois vous envoyer par mail l'award, merci de m'envoyer un mail.
voici mon mail
remplacer -at- par @
Joyeux Noël à vous !
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