dimanche 30 septembre 2012

depart pour l asie

demain, je pars pour l'asie, pour accompagner mon mari dans son voyage d affaires. un mois dans un univers a la fois familier a la fois inconnu. je suis allee avec lui a bali plusieurs fois, cette fois , nous irons aussi en thailande et au cambodge. ce voyage me fera du bien, j ai beaucoup de temps seule, pendant qu il bosse et j aime me balader a pied, selon les jours ou rester dans le beau jardin de l hotel. j ai du travail de redaction a faire. avant de partir j ai une grosse journee de travail, vivement demain, nous serons dans l avion. pourtant ma maison va me manquer, ca me fait ca quand les voyagent sont trop rapproches.

samedi 29 septembre 2012

poesie de pleine lune

Un an que je t aime A regarder le ciel, avant le lever de lune Les reminescences d un désir inachevé Viennent chanter dans le creux de mon oreille Il y a longtemps que je t aime Un an à découvrir l’ampleur D un sentiment irréel En immersion virtuelle avec mon secret Celui de t aimer doucement En solitaire, sans partager nos peaux. Il y a cent ans que je t aime Tu es l âme d un mouvement interne Délicat, totalement prive Qui bat presque par effraction Dans mon cœur désabusé Qui contemple cet amour Avec le détachement fiable de la solitude. j ai ecrit ca , comme ca apres le pototrok, tres sympa.j ecris moins de poemes quand je dois rediger pour le travail.
j observe de nouveaux etats et je les apprecie, j apprend a me detacher un peu, a etre plus observante de mes emotions, je les laisse passer sans les retenir, niveau travail, c est en zone rouge de stress et c est grace au yoga que je tiens. le yoga est un amour evolutif qui m'emmene doucement dans de nouveaux parametres. le fait d etre blessee actuellement me rapproche encore plus de yoga et surtout de mesurer combien dans d'autres moments que sur le tapis, je dirais hors asanas, le yoga a influe mes choix.

jeudi 27 septembre 2012

busy busy with too much to do, but still funky

even if tonigt i am very tired, i want to take this time to look backwards, almost one year ago, i saw with frenc movie polisse, it was terrible for me, after i cried for hours, almost days. it took me a few weeks to find how to be definitly strong enough for see or read about sexual violence that you had to carry form child. and yesterday the movie was on tv, i watched it with my husband and it was ok. i cried but a little, because, after one year, i feel so much better. i am on my way for changing my life. i did my tatoo and i worked on small things everyday and it works, yes, yoga save me from depression. it gives me power and even if i am too much busy, still facing some stressfull things at work, so many things changes in my life for better. this is good to notice it. i am much more happy and good with my closed family, i did reduce a lot social life and i really enjoy it this way. so i am happy. and it is cool to be happy. befor i travel, i have so much work, so i am less on the blog, here are a few pictures form a work i do with old people, about dance, yoga, and play funk as a back ground...

vendredi 21 septembre 2012

big changes in life

for big changes in life, i need to be ready. today,a few weeks after i got 47 , i do this : observing the chnages in me, i can see some of them, some are still in process. and for this i am happy, with age, i can bild my futur. by making choices. the yoga choice is everyday my best one. i have to improve it more. with an anjury you can mesure how much you need to work more. like when you have to adjust with emotions in daily lifes. so today, it is a ladyholidays and i rest. only this resting. looking behind, looking now, hoping forward. pictures of one yoga class i teached in july

vendredi 14 septembre 2012

feel like home

afters a few days, i feel back home, with so much work, but happy to be back, to teach again, to walk early morning and to be alone, choosing my shcedule... happy with small things

mercredi 12 septembre 2012

busy day back home..jet lag no sleep

after a long way home, as soon as i got back, it was busy, so busy that tonight i can not sleep. and i am very happy to be in front on tv watching a stupid triller movie. it feels good to do what i want in my own space, as the time i feel, wearing uggly pyjamas after a hard day. yes. home is good.

samedi 8 septembre 2012


todau it is my birthday, i was with my daugthers, il left them because i am on my way back home, il will miss them i already miss them, i LOVE them