dimanche 30 juin 2013

la necessite d ecrire

pour moi, la necessecite d'ecrire s'accompagne d'images a coller. elles illustrent les meandres de mots surgissant de maniere si naive...ecrire de la poesie non publiee, a peine lue parce qu a peine envoyee est une forme de naivete degenerante.. un romantisme qui puise ses racines dans un autre siecle.. alors, je colle, je glue, j assemble...

jeudi 27 juin 2013

some days i feel tired about work

and those days, i take decisions : it is time to change.it will mean less money for a while or for a long time but if i don't breack the rythmes, it will not change. now the change is starting. it is a hard transition time, but soon will come for better... as each time i need to change, yoga and meditation, staying home, doing collages painting helps me for change. i have 3 weeks before travel and i want to use them as much as possible for positives things, far away, as much as i can, from work and theaters. into land, into sugarcanne more...

samedi 22 juin 2013

l hiver, ambiance tisane

il fait froid dans les hauts de l'ile et je tisane, c est parfait pur l'introspection. je poursuis mon travail de collage sur sac recyclabes devenants recycles.. c est long, c est lent. je suis en ralenti, a freiner encore un peu certaines emotions qui rebondissent malgre moi cette semaine je reprend le travail avec les grammounes, ils sont source de joie. quelques photos avec eux...

mercredi 19 juin 2013

winter is here

le froid vient interrompre mes marches matinales,changement d'horaires en cours. reprise du yoga en douceur.. feel like staying in bed for early morning, need to walk, yo paint, to be more arty

mercredi 12 juin 2013

slow down

after festival, some days are like a babyblues, those days, i stay quiet and think positive about my work. pakret is one of my favorite project and i will be happy to play it again, as soon as possible here's some pictures form the last one.

mardi 11 juin 2013

good work for a good festival

i worked very hard 18 h each day but i had a great time let's go back to normal life now before i need to rest

samedi 1 juin 2013

one week pur holidays one week on boat, back to land now

i spent one week on boat it was great, like a revelation, just want to go back on the boat as soon as possible