mardi 12 mars 2013

very slow energy

actually, i am verys slow in energy, its seems that being back to work eat my lightness. because besides figthing for us t get a little bit of money for perform pakret, work is far from performing, papers meeting with people very stressfull... my only very good time is early morning, walking in sugarcanne, teaching yoga. i am lucky becaue teaching gives me lots of goods. i did a bit of art journaling , trying to relax my brain... taking pictures of the garden is also relaxing

2 commentaires:

Nadja a dit…

Yes, I can imagine coming home from such a fantastic voyage must be very hard.
Even when you live on such a wonderful place as you do.
Fantastic works, Lila, all of them!
Very beautiful, and your great colours always cheer me up.

martinealison a dit…

La venue du printemps est aussi une période fatigante... Prenez bien soin de vous...
Gros bisous