mardi 27 novembre 2012

so tired, aedm 27

i am just so tired, too much work absolutely no time for nothing else, beside teaching yoga, and my morning practise : walk and yoga almos equal time for each this week i will perform pakret, here so few pictures of pakret

3 commentaires:

bizak a dit…

Si c'est pour vous retrouver,Lila, à chaque fois affaler sur le sol, après une pratique du yoga,il vaut mieux prévoir un beau matelas douillet!On récupère plus vite je pense! Bonne sieste quand même,Lila.

bizak a dit…

If it is to find you, Lila, every time to collapse on the ground, after a practice of the yoga, it is better to plan a beautiful cosy mattress! We get back faster I think! Good nap all the same, Lila.

Nadja a dit…

I really love all these photos you already published of this pakret.
They are very beautiful.
And, they make me even more curious about this project with each new photo I see!