jeudi 4 novembre 2010

aedm 5

i had a hard day yesterday, no time at all but i did a bit of draw in my artjournal
i also did some mudras when i saw that my mind was too busy for meditation, it was helpfull for focus. hope to get some peace this week end!

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

The middle imgae with the wings and the light and shadow - this is something I have dreams of :-)

Louise a dit…

Salut! I see we're bilingual here - j'aime ca. I've come over from AEDM. I like your journal entry, especially the background on the first page. Et bien sur le personnage au centre. X

Anonyme a dit…

I wish you peace this weekend. I love your art.

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Valerie, I had to look up mudras and learned something! I hope they help. Interesting colors and figures, the one with wings looks like a butterfly person. Your art comes from a very personal, deep place I think. Powerful.